Motorcycle-Diaries: I Feel I need to...

I feel that I need, that I want to... 

February’s gone and March is halfway. There’s spring in all its glory. But everything is different this year. All around the world, it feels like there is a standstill. We are at a standstill.  We all know why. Covid-19 has brought life a stop. Or, at least, so it feels. 

Stay inside is what we have to do. A  drastic measure, sure, but it could save lives. So, we comply, like most of the people we know. This new-found solicitude has, of course, repercussions: of all the trips we had planned for 2020 we already had to cancel 3. 

In March we would have enjoyed the Provence, in May Croatia, and Iceland in July. We even had more plans. Trips to the UK and France were in the back of our heads.  

Alas, all our jobs have been cancelled. We will not be travelling anywhere soon, probably until August. When all this is over, we should rethink our destinations, as work will be on the top of our minds.


However, we are making plans

Plans for trips we will make, if not tomorrow, then for sure one day. 

The future trips live in our dreams, just like the ones in the past. 

That is what this video is all about. 

Never stop dreaming.  

Your ride will come true.

There is a silver lining to every crisis. This one? Take it easy. Or, try to enjoy what you have. Be happy with the little things, the people you know and things that make you happy. It does not always have to be better, bigger and further. The road ahead might be a well known one, but it is worth exploring.

So, with that in mind, we would like to invite you all to put all your best roads on the MD platform, so that people who are dreaming of great trips can start to prepare them. We share, we care.  

Need some inspiration?

Here you’ll find some of our favorite archived trips:




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