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Trans Euro Trail: Sweden

Trans Euro Trail: Sweden

Coming from Denmark, I have to cross the Orensund Bridge. Once I have paid the 39 euro, I tap “TET Sweden section 1” on my GPS device. Read more

On Her Bike: Hello Egypt!

On Her Bike: Hello Egypt!

Egypt is one of the toughest border crossings in the world they say, and from my experience I agree, it was the most difficult border I've ever crossed. Read more

Five places to visit when riding in Italy

Five places to visit when riding in Italy

Trans Euro Trail: Denmark

Trans Euro Trail: Denmark

45 minutes after I’ve embarked the ferry in Puttgarden- Germany, the ship arrives in Rødbyhavn. After a short customs check I can continue my ride into Denmark. I’m curious what this track will bring me. Read more

5 Nice Roads from the MD-community

5 Nice Roads from the MD-community

RTWPaul: Ride Maine…as much of it as you can!

RTWPaul: Ride Maine…as much of it as you can!

Only a select few ride the State of Maine, when you ask a smattering of motorcyclists if they have ridden Maine the answer is normally the same…”it’s such a long ride just to get there!” Read more

TET Germany – section 1: Please road, be adventurous! 

TET Germany – section 1: Please road, be adventurous! 

The German Trans Euro Trail track starts at the point where the Netherlands route ends.  You just can continue from the pancake flat area of the Groninger Heide into the great wide-open plains of Niedersachsen. Read more

Freddie Dew: From London to Cape Town

Freddie Dew: From London to Cape Town

‘When you pack for a month and spend one year on the road’ Read more

Ten scenic roads to discover in Norway

Ten scenic roads to discover in Norway

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part V

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part V

Democratic Republic of Congo Read more