MD Trip: France

Earlier this year in April we decided that we had to go for our first real Motorcycle-Diaries trip to discover new roads & nice places to stay before launching the website.

Back to some images of this trip.

We first crossed the beautiful region of Champagne where the vines are growing before fruiting.




We crossed the very green (and wet) Morvan. Fast & twisty roads, passing up hills & forest.

Château de Chastellux on the D944


And ended the day in a stunning Castle on top of a hill with 360° view on the valley of Bourgogne.

The next day we took the road under the snow which followed us most of the day… We could only get rid of the snow and finally see some sun when reaching the stunning volcanoes area in Auvergne.

After all these efforts we finally reached the Pyrénees and started climbing the first pass. After crossing the Spanish border we started a new trip in Spain but that’s for another post soon….

To be continued...... 

Discover beautiful roads of our trip on the Roads page 

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