This is an easy ride around 200 km in total. On pavement but if you'd like to get off for a little gravel or sand there are opportunities also. If you start in Galway city I'd suggest follow the coast line west. There are small villages including Barna, Furbough and Spiddal with many shops and little caffee's. I prefer to stop in Pádraicíns Seafood Bar & Restaurant in Forbacha about 15 km west from Galway. They offer nice food and views on the adjacent beach and Galway Bay. Next few places Like Spiddal and later Carraroe will offer good little restaurants and bars where you can eat but keep in mind that after Carraroe you enter the wild of a Connemara and for maybe two hours there will be a feast for your eyes but very little for your belly or for that matter for your bike, so do fill up before you turn off the coast. Coastal road is popular among tourists and cyclists with speed limit of 60km/h for most part so plenty of time to look around. After Spiddal beaches are mostly wild and quite possibly you will be there on your own. Narrow roads locals call Connemara Dual Carrageways for the grass growing in the middle. Narrow roads roll up and down, twist and turn with unexpected sharp bends so be careful with the throttle and watch for mountain half wild sheep which love roaming around and treat the area and are very reluctant to giving way to the vehicles, its their territory. Just before you turn off the cost last beach I highly recommend is called Coral beach in Carraroe. unusual because its made not from sand but from calcified roots of seaweed which looks like broken coral. Next you enter the wild of Connemara, hardly any houses for miles, rolling hills bog, grass, little lakes "lochs" and stone cottages. Sometimes even in summer tops of the hills around covered with little snow. If your bike dont offer big tank capacity Maam is another place when you get petrol and local pub with good food and beautiful surroundings. Here you are presented with a choice. You can continue due west towards Leenane and Clifden or Westport but youll need to plan a night in one of those places because now we are talking about at least another day of amazing views or you can turn east and start your backward journey to Galway. On the way more twisty roads following local smaller and bigger lakes with the last Corrib which coastline will lead you back to Galway. Roads here widen a bit so if like me you find yourself running out of daylight you can open up a bit but don't be hasty as local traffic is best characterized as relaxed.

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