You don't like the traffic on the main roads through the valley? Are you searching for silence, tranquillity and relaxation within hotspots like the Passo Stelvio, the Umbrail, the Reschen? Then this nice, little road is for you. It doesn't have millions of bends, it's not always wide or well built, sometimes it's even dangerous - but it offers plenty of views, plenty of challenging curves, and you are far far away from the enourmous summer traffic jams in the Vinschgau Valley.. This road starts in Laas, located at 830 m sea height, a famous place for its strong, shiny white and ultra-hard marble. It leads within few kilometers and through some of the finest bends I know here to Tanas, at 1400 m, situated on a plateau high above the Vinschgau valley. Tanas is a small village, blessed with eternal sun throughout the year. The houses use every meter of space there is, the roads through the village are narrow. All is antique and mysteriously and surely worth a visit. But we head on for Schluderns. Right after Tanas we enter a dark, silence forest, and the roads twistes through small valleys and canyons. Going on, it get's narrower and narrower, so please drive slowly and carefully - right after each corner you can run into a tractor, nuts driven cars or - in the best case, some deer. The view from above, down into the valley, is spectacular. Even if you don't like the monocultures of the apple industry, the geometric fields are mind blowing. Later on, after some 5, 6 kilometers, you can see into the Sulden Valley, His majesty, the Ortler, rises in front of you, and if your eyes are well kept, you can even spot the cableways on the Stelvio Pass! Leaving the forest, it get's quickly warmer, brighter, wider. As we are on the so called "Sonnenberg" - the "sunny mountain" - reached from the sun the whole year, all is a little bit dry and dusty on some places. After the location "Gschneir", a small village of farmer houses, the roads gets once more down to Schluderns (920 m), known for its giant, shining castle "Churburg" on top of the place. The road is a litte bit wider now, but pay attention even here. Farmers and Mountain Bikers will often get in your way. At the end of this trip, after about 20 km of narrow bends, short high-speed parts, dark forests and dusty fields, viewed by birds of prey and deers, travelled through a part of the world that is almost forgotten from the world, you surely think you return once again to Laas, in the other direction. Take your time, take your camera, bring yourself something to eat and take a rest on one of the few silence places besides this road. It's worth a try!

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