Derniers articles

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part VI

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part VI

The square-edged slab of tarmac that extended into our future demarcated the border between the DRC and Angola. Right on the line, the washed-out, haggard tracks of the DRC ended and Angola began. Lire plus

Five destinations to ride over a (long) weekend, part 3

Five destinations to ride over a (long) weekend, part 3

RTWPaul: Grand Canyon

RTWPaul: Grand Canyon

Riding the Grand Canyon, and Not Bumping Into 6.4 Million Other Tourists…It Is Possible? YES! Lire plus

Five POI's worth visiting when riding in Scotland

Five POI's worth visiting when riding in Scotland

Is it the love of peaty whisky, tartan kilts and a wee bit of ceilidh - Gaelic for ‘party’ -  which lures us towards the upper part of Great Britain? Lire plus

Motorcycle Diaries Dream Ride!

Motorcycle Diaries Dream Ride!

January 2019. While working on a project in Valencia with people from all over Europe we met Ilayda. She was different from most of the people we had ever met. Lire plus

Top five winter destinations for bikers: the 2020-edition

Top five winter destinations for bikers: the 2020-edition

Motorcycle Diaries: Ten road movies that will inflame your wanderlust

Motorcycle Diaries: Ten road movies that will inflame your wanderlust

7 scenic roads in Portugal

7 scenic roads in Portugal

On her bike: Through Sudan and Ethiopia

On her bike: Through Sudan and Ethiopia

The east coast of Africa has turned out to be much easier to travel than I thought. The major roads are in excellent condition, the people are very friendly and they easily communicate in English. Lire plus

Trans Euro Trail: Switzerland

Trans Euro Trail: Switzerland

Another TET adventure waits! After exploring the Northern Italian Alp tracks, I head for the mountains of Switzerland. Lire plus