Derniers articles

Round-The-World Paul: 8 years on the road and counting…

Round-The-World Paul: 8 years on the road and counting…

His name is Paul. That is how much he wants you to know about his identity. Back in the day, he was a public figure and yes, he has quite a story. Lire plus

BOAS BIKING: From Amsterdam to Singapore

BOAS BIKING: From Amsterdam to Singapore

Meet Boas Kragtwijk, from the Netherlands. He left the low lands with high expectations: to ride from Amsterdam to Singapore. Boas is only 24-years-old, but he engineered a clever plan and carried it out! Lire plus

Around Gaia: Namibia

Around Gaia: Namibia

ON HER BIKE - Through busy South Korea and remote Russia

ON HER BIKE - Through busy South Korea and remote Russia