Trip planner: Two Days riding in the Pyrénées

Download and ride this two-days Pyrénées adventure, starting in the French coastal town of Perpignan, attacking some of the best riding the area has to offer, and finishing in San Sebastián, Spain.  


Your Motorcycle Trip Planner

Search for a route from 'Perpignan, France' to 'San Sebastián, Spain' in any other maps website, and you'll no-doubt be shown the quickest and most boring route between the two. Not so with Motorcycle Diaries. Our system is built so you can explore, discover and create the most exciting journeys, complete with fantastic photography of the roads to ride. When you've finished, save your trip and download it as a GPX file. To prove it to you, we've done some route creating of our own. Here's Perpignan to San Sebastián the right way.



Pyrénées East to West 


2 Days – 9 MD Roads – 921 km of joy



Amélie-les-bains – Mollò


After quickly dispatching the suburbs of Perpignan, take theD115/C38 to Mollò. It's a great introduction to riding Pyrénées-style: steep valleys stuffed with conifers, smooth and curvaceous roads, snow markers.


Mollò – Solsona

The Motorcycle Diaries system fills in the dots between roads you choose to ride on a trip. You can even drag and change these with waypoints to create the ultimate journey. For the area between Mollò and Solsona, we've chosen the delicious C-26 with its memorable, swooping descent towards the Baells Swamp, as it is known in Catalan.


Solsona – Coll de Nargó


Two roads make up this next section. The first is the C462 that flows north from Solsona to Sant-Lorenç de Morunys. The second is a much tighter mountain road, curving and twisting with hardly a straight to be seen. This is the L401 to Coll de Nargó. We've included the optional LV4241 from Solsona to El Port del Comte. We'd describe this more of a must-ride option, as it's a fast 21km sprint with beautiful curves, switchbacks and a near-perfect road surface. Do it in both directions.



Crossing The Serra de Carreu-Sant Corneli

From Coll de Nargó, turn onto the L511 to Isona. This is a small road with big views. Despite the single lane setup, the surface is very good and views will astonish you. The feeling of freedom you get riding it is what we all crave from long adventures. Watch out for the zebra road art.


Tremp – Sabiñánigo

We've used two Motorcycle Diaries roads to form the backbone of the next section from Tremp to Sabiñánigo. This area is deep Pyrénéean countryside, with a twisting national road that makes its way through hilly terrain before finding its way along the river Ara on a brand-new surface.



Six Border Crossings To the Finish

Day two of the trip rounds off with a total of six border crossings between Spain and France. This yo-yo route takes in grand and mountainous regions through the Pyrénées National Park. The first border crossing includes the Pourtalet Pass and runs from Biescas to Laruns on the A136 and D934. The mountains are always visible here, whether you're approaching them from either side, and in summer they may still have a covering of snow.


The second crossing is a stunning 51km ride from Arette in France to Isaba, Spain. Riding south, the green vegetation of France slowly gives out to more rocky terrain and the perfect road surface becomes a little questionable at times. The switchbacks towards the top of the pass, however, deliver absolutely stunning panoramas over the surrounding hills and mountains.


Another four crossings lead you into the coastal town of San Sebastián, just in time to enjoy a sunset over the beautiful La Concha bay and yellow beaches of this natural harbour town. You will have travelled a total of 921km in two days, east to west, all the way through the Pyrénées. Enjoy a meal and a glass of wine – you've earned it.



Download The GPX File for your GPS

Interested in downloading the GPX file for this route? Click here  to go to the trip page, sign in, and then download the GPX using the button shown in the image below. You can also make your own changes to this trip from the trip page, or incorporate it into a bigger, longer, and more epic Euro trip of your own making.

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