Skeleton Coast National Park stretches for 500 km, but on a motorcycle you are only allowed to do the route I shared with you. As a biker you are also not allowed to stay in the park over night and you need to leave the park before 7pm. Basic camping spots are available outside of the park gates. The road along the coast is a smooth salt road which divides Namib Desert from the ocean, and specially on a motorcycle you can feel how strong the winds are on a hot desert, constantly fighting with cold winds from the cold ocean. It is such a hostile, yet remote and dramatic place which makes it so unique. This road becomes very slippery when it's wet so I wouldn't suggest riding it in the rain. As you go along you'd be able to see shipwrecked vessels strewn across the coastline. Don't miss out on visiting Cape Cross Seal Colony, which is a breeding place of the Cape Fur Seals. Cape Cross is outside the park so you can take your time there. And of course, visiting Swakopmund is a must! The town is also famous for its German-themed architecture and culture and it a huge draw for vacationers from all over the globe.

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