Passo Stalle is a mountain pass (2502m) to the Austrian and Italian borders. The traffic is always driven one way up or down at fixed intervals.If you are standing on the traffic lights first (the cars will let you go), you will experience a narrow path and sharp twists. The two-way traffic is only on the Austrian side. A semaphoreal system consisting of two red / green light traffic lights (one upstream, one border, and one downstream near the lake) regulates access to this road section. In the first quarter of every hour (from .00 to .15 minutes) it is possible to access south (from the Austrian border to the Italian valley floor), while in the third quarter (from .30 to .45 minutes) access to the north (from the Italian valley to the Austrian border).There is no toll on transit. From the top is a beautiful view of the mountains and the valley of Italy and also the lakes in Austria. * Beware from the Austrian side for wild grazing animals that can pass the road.