A great stretch of road going up and down the Kosmaj mountain. It may be a short piece of road but it varies quite a bit, both in curves and views. It is mostly comprised of tight turns, long hairpins and short straights. Oh, and the surface is great so you can enjoy the ride and views. Heading from the town of Sopot to Kosmaj there is an unbelievable view of the mountain with the monument on the middle peak(of three) rising above the tree line. Next to the road are orchards and vineyards. This is shortly followed by Tresije monastery and then into the woods it is. After a couple of minutes you are at the top and can check out the monument which symbolizes and explosion. On the way down towards Mladenovac, you are greeted by more long hairpins and short straights. Out of the forest and you will be passing by weekend houses, orchards, vineyards, fields...and some great restaurants.

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