The "Estrada Nacional 2" is the longest road in Portugal. It has 738,5km and begins in the extreme north of the country, in Chaves, near Spain. It crosses Portugal by the middle of the country, until Faro in Algarve and near the famous beachs of this region in the south. Despite it crosses lots of other roads, this one is a unique road and is classified as National Road #2 (Estrada Nacional 2). We can see the vineyards of Douro (land of Oporto Wine), the hilly roads of the center or the plains of Alentejo with straights that never ends. The last 100km are in Serra do Caldeirão. A hilly part of the road with 365 turns! Doing EN2 you can see all the variety of Portugal, with beautiful landscapes and a marvelous people where you are always welcome!

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