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Ten Fantastic Roads Shared By You

Ten Fantastic Roads Shared By You

Motorcycle Diaries has a thriving community of motorcycle riders busy riding, reviewing and sharing routes with each other. Here are some of the best. Leggi di più

Torque to Strangers – from Berlin to Tokyo

Torque to Strangers – from Berlin to Tokyo

Germans Thies and Momme are brothers by blood and travel buddies by choice. “Why not?” is their motto and that was by chance. Both have a vigorous passion for adventure riding and they just finished a big one! Leggi di più

At the handlebars - All you need to do is to leave the front door

At the handlebars - All you need to do is to leave the front door

“When something goes totally different than what you had planned, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. It’s just a change. Embrace it!” Leggi di più

Mongolia - Out of sight… out of mind!

Mongolia - Out of sight… out of mind!

The Mongolian leg of my trip began in the capital. Incredibly busy and congested by Japanese electric cars, Ulaanbaatar is oddly enough a very metropolitan city.  Leggi di più

ON HER BIKE - Through busy South Korea and remote Russia

ON HER BIKE - Through busy South Korea and remote Russia

Make it your 24 hours!

Make it your 24 hours!

24 hours endurance racing. Not your thing? Never say never!  Leggi di più

Buena York - Much more than just a big ride

Buena York - Much more than just a big ride

He is the perfect motivator when it comes to travelling. Give him ten minutes to talk about his trips and you’ll end up with an urge to pack and take off. We hope you do when you finish reading this blog post. Leggi di più

Universal Riders & Motorcycle-Diaries

Universal Riders & Motorcycle-Diaries

We have concluded a new partnership with Universal Riders! Leggi di più

On her Bike: a free soul on an adventure bike!

On her Bike: a free soul on an adventure bike!

She is a passionate solo adventure rider. After a trip of 19.000 km around Australia she is now on her way on a round-the-world trip. Her name is Kinga Tanajewska and she is one with her bike. Leggi di più

Trip Planner: Ride to the Isle of Man TT

Trip Planner: Ride to the Isle of Man TT

Ride to the Isle of Man and watch the most exciting road race in the world – the 2017 TT. Everyone who rides there deserves their own Tourist Trophy – this one takes in Swiss Passes and Germany's winding Schwarzwald. Leggi di più