Derniers articles

Motorcycle adventure books that will spark your wanderlust

Motorcycle adventure books that will spark your wanderlust

ON HER BIKE: Through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

ON HER BIKE: Through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

Tajikistan is on the top of many adventure riders’ bucket list. The reason? It is the cradle of the Pamir Highway, one of the most popular routes for off-roaders. Lire plus

Nomadik and Co:  From Ireland to South Africa - Part III

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part III

River bandits and engine trouble in Cameroon. Lire plus

Moroccan Dream Ride

Moroccan Dream Ride

We’re just back from Morocco and even though we mainly stayed between Marrakech, Ouarzazate and Agdz we were again baffled by the country, the roads and the people. Lire plus

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part II

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part II

From Cotonou, the capital of Benin it was a 50km leg to reach the Nigerian border. Nigeria had become this imposing entity and taken on an aura of chaos that we were about to confront. Lire plus

Jenna Philippe - “Always ready for the extra mile”

Jenna Philippe - “Always ready for the extra mile”

“My life has been a kind of an endless travel, which is still going on”. Lire plus

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part I

Nomadik and Co: From Ireland to South Africa - Part I

The vastness of the Sahara has given way to savannah and pastoral villages, demarcated by mud brick huts with thatched roofs of Senegal. Lire plus

On her bike: “Holy crap, what a beautiful world!”  Through the scenic Ks, part II

On her bike: “Holy crap, what a beautiful world!” Through the scenic Ks, part II

As I was following Xenia and Martin to Karakol, Kyrgyzstan, I noticed that time was seemingly going faster. It was nice to share the ride for a change. Lire plus

On Her Bike: through the scenic Ks, part I

On Her Bike: through the scenic Ks, part I

Finally I reached the Mongolian border and crossed into Russia. I felt relieved, but I was physically and emotionally chewed up. Lire plus

Torque to Strangers – from Berlin to Tokyo

Torque to Strangers – from Berlin to Tokyo

Germans Thies and Momme are brothers by blood and travel buddies by choice. “Why not?” is their motto and that was by chance. Both have a vigorous passion for adventure riding and they just finished a big one! Lire plus