Derniers articles
Whether you just drag your little snitch around for emergency calls, or you really like to share your adventures instantly with all of your followers – your smartphone has become a part of motorcycle riding. Lire plus
As I was following Xenia and Martin to Karakol, Kyrgyzstan, I noticed that time was seemingly going faster. It was nice to share the ride for a change. Lire plus
Apart from the grayish landscape colors and freezing temperatures, one can tell that winter’s in town when people start moaning: “As soon as I’m retired, I’m moving to the south and riding my motorcycle day in day out.” Lire plus
I think I must have been 15 or 16 when I experienced my first motorcycle ride. I can’t remember well whether it was on the back of a Suzuki GT550 or an RD500LC. Lire plus
Finally I reached the Mongolian border and crossed into Russia. I felt relieved, but I was physically and emotionally chewed up. Lire plus
There are at least two architects in this world who are not obsessed by unbendable foundations. On the contrary. Ana and Jon deconstructed their roots and dove into a world ready to be shaped by other realities. Lire plus
Terre bénite par Mère Nature, l’Islande est une destination originale pour faire un road trip. Si vous êtes passionné par la moto, une expédition sur cette île vous plaira certainement. Lire plus
Like most of us Asta and Linas are very keen on sunny days. But unlike most of us they are enjoying a two-year-long world-trip summer! Lire plus
At an age when most people begin to moor the boat of life to the dock of a safe haven, this Swiss couple traded the boat for two wheels and, with their backs to the dock, set off for other horizons. Lire plus
Motorcycle Diaries has a thriving community of motorcycle riders busy riding, reviewing and sharing routes with each other. Here are some of the best. Lire plus