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RTWPaul: Riding 48 States - Utter Ridiculousness With 8hp Part 2 of 2

RTWPaul: Riding 48 States - Utter Ridiculousness With 8hp Part 2 of 2

At the point of turning west, even though I was almost halfway around the country the distance ahead was daunting... Mehr...

RTWPaul: Riding 48 States - Utter Ridiculousness With 8hp Part 1 of 2

RTWPaul: Riding 48 States - Utter Ridiculousness With 8hp Part 1 of 2

Having never owned a scooter or a small bike when I was a kid, only borrowing friends, maybe just maybe when I bought my Honda Ct125 Postie bike I allowed myself to relive my youth. Mehr...

Batopilas, México!

Batopilas, México!

Riding in Northwestern Mexico many motorcycle riders are familiar with ‘Barrancas del Cobre’, or in English ‘Copper Canyon’. Mehr...

A Tale of Three American Motorcycle Museums

A Tale of Three American Motorcycle Museums

If you love motorcycles, then there is a very strong possibility that you’ll also love motorcycle museums.  Mehr...

America – Winter Riding Routes That Are Awesome! Part 3 of 5

America – Winter Riding Routes That Are Awesome! Part 3 of 5

NE Loop From Phoenix Mehr...

Portugal and the ACT (Adventure Country Tracks) Trail

Portugal and the ACT (Adventure Country Tracks) Trail

America – Winter Riding Routes That Are Awesome!  Part 2 of 5

America – Winter Riding Routes That Are Awesome! Part 2 of 5

Las Vegas Loop Eastbound 1622 miles/ 2610 km. Mehr...

America – Winter Riding Routes That Are Awesome!  Part 1 of 5

America – Winter Riding Routes That Are Awesome! Part 1 of 5

A Finnish friend asked me this question this summer.  Mehr...

Eastern Fjords, Iceland…Must See Roads

Eastern Fjords, Iceland…Must See Roads

On a recent month-long trip to Iceland that saw me covering some 5350km, taking in just a small part of what the amazing country of Iceland has to offer. Mehr...

RTWPaul: Bartang Valley, Tajikistan…Do You Have Enough Fuel?

RTWPaul: Bartang Valley, Tajikistan…Do You Have Enough Fuel?

As we pull into the fuel station in Sary Tash, Kyrgyzstan, a man comes from behind a door, looks our bikes up and down and states one word, “Bartang?” Mehr...